二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-10-26 20:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Good Morning Sir/Madam 先生/女士 早晨好5 d% V! x' R, l! s& d
Good Afternoon 午安9 f0 Q3 a# i; P& K3 n% g5 q
How are you? 你好么
5 L( v( i' ~  HDo you speak English? 你讲英语吗?3 }; V7 o4 ~' U, O8 {" O
I can speak a little English. 我可以讲一点英语
# a* F1 U5 f# L) PPlease speak slowly. 请慢慢讲
# A" d: |' Q, P8 t3 n! p3 u6 `Would you mind speak louder please? 请讲大声一些5 ~2 i5 K* A. g$ V
Do you wear glasses? 你有戴眼镜么?1 G$ u5 z- R# v* W9 M: m3 [! F
I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐型眼镜
) p) G1 ^8 k8 p% t) p2 T7 _Do you live at same address? 你住在上述地址么?% q+ K! U) M5 a+ F0 q
Do you have any medical problem? 你的健康有问题么?
+ Z. [0 E/ R1 l3 n. w. sDo you have any question? 你有什么问题么?  E. \# C% z7 c; k$ W9 `
You must obey all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志
. l5 v/ _! P1 M  T9 X" Q+ O' |; ~  `Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名, r$ T' `: ^* U9 o/ u% [
Are you ready now? 你准备好了么?$ U) L* u1 M3 z, o6 J
Turn on the engine (car). 点火
3 h4 D) i$ u9 u$ e- xLet's go. 现在开始3 W7 S: n& o( c" L( F3 ?6 L7 M% @+ D
Right turn. 右转
; l: k; d/ @$ Z) i: z3 KLeft turn. 左转
) K) [# f/ |5 X5 V9 |3 f& hGo straight/keep moving straight. 直行
3 q+ b5 v" N/ Q8 m2 O0 ?8 AFirst street right turn/left turn. 第一条街右转/左转, j, q. n& `  b: f* K/ i
Traffic light right turn/left turn. 交通灯右转/左转- p" p% r0 ~1 A( n* L
Stop sign, make a right turn/left turn. 停牌右转/左转
8 A) h9 ^- t- {2 qStay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶3 R' ~7 ^$ U( I  y0 U4 q
Second street. 第二条街
# N. H% K1 a! i# P) CTurn on the headlights. 开车头灯
% c) c1 [* k+ ?7 {Turn on the wind shield wiper. 开雨刷/ B: H  F% ]: w7 h) O( ^
Right of way. 优先权
6 h3 L) g8 z! N' H& K" t' {( Z/ v( aStop the car here. 在这里停车
- r0 c2 k" b2 x, l: z! f3 l- ^8 SPull over the curb. 靠路边停车
. n2 O3 q. T) v0 h$ w& mSlow down 慢驶; z1 v# l: y0 b) F4 c5 c! ]
Three point turn. 三点调头
4 o3 |' J. y: w' {8 G2 VParallel parking. 平行泊车1 Q8 ~+ d2 V4 M, V! A# ?6 x
Up hill parking. 上坡泊车9 o" E4 ~. T% ~1 C9 g
Down hill parking. 下坡泊车, j% h" z. L4 N# w$ `
Back up. 后退
; i$ Y! L+ e4 OBack into the driveway. 倒车进入车道
) y8 K2 y* h7 s; j+ o3 [7 VToo close. 太接近* e( o# m  C) t4 V8 Q
Too slow. 太慢
$ Y# ~; j. t) C5 u' x, M% d( i6 _Too fast. 太快( S7 x! f# x0 ~
Speed up . 加速
5 g; G. D$ w) o* @Give your signal. 打灯号
0 w) q# R1 c) P5 Q4 zCancel your signal. 取消灯号5 L) @) N1 L% s6 ^: w6 p
Try again. 再试一次
& R" }, ~" u  d7 s2 \' i- N% aWatch for pedestrians. 注意行人+ [" `& ]  c7 B" t
Take it easy/relax please. 请不要紧张
2 G9 o* b. ?: FMore gas. 加油
4 r$ o8 D* [+ o- jFollow the car. 跟着前车
4 B: Z7 b! h, j& N; |: @2 ~6 _Go back to the test centre. 回考试中心
' }5 V/ |( y' QEntrance. 入口
7 k9 r+ W$ [5 h9 \" W  oExit 出口0 A6 P4 e3 P& M7 ~% ^! f
Intersection 十字路口2 S6 K: A) b6 }. P8 s
Put on your seat belt. 放安全带7 a* Q( Z9 p0 q! r# @, E
Parking brake . 手刹
  l& V5 F2 Y) k; k: f/ YTurn on the heater/air conditioner. 打开暖气/冷气# w0 O& X, e$ D  m
Head in parking/drive in . 车头进泊车, _! _0 [& k( F/ w
Back in parking. 后退泊车
+ g; ^- }5 x/ D8 uTurn off the engine. 关闭引擎
# n: a+ f- F& b+ B- F7 |5 ~You failed. 你不合格
- \  z: k4 P; E/ W. D: w! l  t) TDo you have any identification? 你有证件么, E0 R) _; _# @) F
You passed. 你通过0 @' P, e8 Y5 t3 `" \# I0 s
Try again. 下次再试
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-9-19 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
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