埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-3-27 21:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我小孩一个刚三岁,另一个一岁半,我想知道她们能不能上PLAYSCHOOL,该如何找呢?我们现住106AVE.和110ST.  o. i% Q  d, R- H+ r3 E! P
那PLAYSCHOOL要不要钱呢?要不要大人陪呢?我小的这个能不能上呢?因为刚来EDMONTON什么都乱糟糟的真的很想; ^5 a' m1 w, w) Y
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2007-3-27 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
; u. c6 @4 |) C* O: \% t
3 s" C- L3 \! e  Z/ m3 U一岁半的太小了,活动中心都有活动,但是肯定家长要陪着的
鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-3-28 20:04 | 显示全部楼层


7 U3 s2 R& Y  Y
% o6 {( e4 a9 p! M这个中心的program 都很好,如果你住在片内就一定不要错过! Early start program有waiting list,如果排上队后,两个孩子都不需要大人陪,大孩子一周两个半天,小孩子一周一次半天。) v' L/ n3 l: @
9 c3 R0 f2 k+ }
有early start progra需要注册排队等waiting listm,和每周一次的需要注册的基本不需排队的program,有适合一两岁宝宝的,和三至五岁宝宝的。FREE的。但你需在他们的划片内就是Norwood's Boundaries: 4 `; R. c! g) W$ a- Z0 M; M$ Q
# `; Y. ?+ v- Z9 P+ D
Yellowhead Trail south to North Saskatchewan River 7 I9 V1 M* {# Y" t' M# n
Wayne Gretzky Drive west to 124 Street ) C; b1 u, S, R1 t* I
. b7 [& O; ~/ {! s# @
' f5 F7 ?  F. A
, z7 m4 g, |8 I) g离你们家很近"Norwood Child & Family Resource Centre "你打电话找''Tina"告诉她你有两个这么大的孩子,在找适合他们的program,或电话留言,请她通知你。
" h2 S; Q* I6 o& L# rNorwood Child and Family Resource Centre
, F& a5 @) ?6 @# Q9 _/ J7 x9 I9516 - 114 Avenue
; F( u5 u0 E( x9 BEdmonton, Alberta + y8 q! T1 I* h2 ?5 E* ]+ ^
T5G 0K7 1 R5 ]+ w1 B, P6 O1 X+ M

, g! ^- _! u; J4 u8 ]( YPhone: (780) 471-3737
/ Q: t+ ~8 h% M* w/ AFax: (780) 477-1632
0 G7 _7 W! I* d0 ~2 j$ D2 J# F
2 ~) |7 v5 i, N# K$ HOffice Hours: Monday to Friday
& C* j: V9 V% }  8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
+ A$ H' J3 |; D% ~& K0 h1 }# X. ]* H& q& `3 b) b$ J

( U' s6 u5 F7 P( Oprovides programs that strengthen and enrich the lives of children and parents. Programs are delivered using a holistic approach to meet the emotional, physical, educational, and special needs of children in the community. Our focus is on healthy child development and coaching parents to help their children reach their fullest potential.
. Y( u! B' u8 w2 q1 y 7 _9 Z- {- ~2 f9 s  T8 m& h
Programs Offered
5 A7 I7 n5 u4 N. ^; e( f& HHealthy Families Children ages 0 - 3 months + Q5 L' F  v4 U; v! ^
Early Start Children ages 0 - 6 % w, o- v/ k7 j, _/ Y+ g' `- h" [
Head Start Children ages 3.5 - 5 , T1 }! u! v' b# g' {" ~0 y
Child and Youth Children ages 6 - 13 9 Z3 K3 R7 \3 U

; V* |0 z& E5 b. o7 [: w' v" _( iFamily Support Services (services that are provided to all programs within the Centre) 6 T6 n; ~, Z% G) Y; c4 N
Intake - V1 }$ B! N# u7 Z. f! z
Outreach 6 m7 K" P( n3 ]( Q1 _9 s. [& W6 z
Nutritional Services
$ D( h5 M6 f7 I% I9 v( gParent Groups & Workshops - K  i& F* ?) Q/ f/ k- H, I: r
Literacy + ?% Z# e4 m; A) ~1 }* }. ~% r

7 T; r3 f0 K3 G! S9 X; ~1 YNorwood's Boundaries: " c4 G& F* I( c: J

  E' U7 D' W; }+ o* L2 }4 L7 }Yellowhead Trail south to North Saskatchewan River
7 d! |7 [) f  Z8 VWayne Gretzky Drive west to 124 Street
  ~  o+ i$ }6 Z: J$ f" D"
" ^6 l6 g- H# @2 o; g# u( E: B& R8 W" z0 A( Y0 O# j/ n( _( Y
[ 本帖最后由 莫迭儿 于 2007-3-28 21:05 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-28 20:31 | 显示全部楼层


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