埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 诚招物业管理助理 / 全职兼职都可以

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发表于 2023-4-15 23:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Job title: Office Administrator / Assitant Property Manager
5 K- w# K9 Y' Y' K( Z# y; L  ^( KJob type: Full time or part time.  Commission and on-call possible
, I+ k) z7 z7 t- W' D$ _Location: 312 Saddleback Rd NW Edmonton AB. The location may be changed if required. On-site tasks may be assigned.; `3 i4 K0 _" M- Z* v
; s" v  k$ x' u6 W  \
Job duties:
7 Z% j& U! B* a  w" U# d* L1. Complete daily lead follow-up for rentals
# p; ~+ o, d7 _4 m2. Arrange the viewing appointments2 F, F* s' x: L( d
3. Maintenance requests follow up3 z% ^& }; y$ h% b7 ^% w: k! q
4. Handling phone calls and emails
/ f8 }9 O/ @& y. [4 b( [) M) Q6 r5. Bookkeeping
8 l$ o1 J; W% v0 [  {3 ~6. Visit the building and enter the units# Q' ^: o. e' o+ B% M* v6 a
7. Maintenance and cleaning may be needed% Q* [8 D+ ~7 X$ D8 U
8. More duties to be assigned4 s$ S  G1 m6 B: n  V
1 Y, I6 H- o6 D8 K$ [
8 W& }3 k  [9 @( z. H; |0 W. {' z1. Arrive at the workplace on time1 H7 Z9 e- A2 [* w
2. Good attitude and work ethic
3 c: n0 v+ I# C0 n% J3. Able to solve problems alone and with the team1 `+ p' Q; B: f- b6 E
4. Good production and performance.
' x* J2 }- g: p) \) M5. Complete the tasks to a high standard
2 P% C7 A- X8 h0 P7 D; W- O, w
; C! ]; `' q3 b6 YRequirements:
$ t- j7 m/ B  I% I/ T7 z1. Post-secondary degree, diploma, or certificate. Y5 R+ c  Y1 A( N, u8 _# y* D
2. 1-year working experience in Canada is preferred
9 d- ~" g9 R0 F! z- i+ @3. Able to drive8 e1 D4 K" L' ?' x
4. Flexible schedule# Q' [- F( M" ?* j2 A! h% M# W. E

4 Q7 T9 \! `3 f* Z% bPlease send a resume to chenjie.wu@century21.ca
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